Frank Filz's EverwayTM Page

Currently, I am trying out EverwayTM (if you're in the RTP NC area, and are interested, drop me a line). EverwayTM is a new "rules lite" fantasy system, designed by Jonathan Tweet. Character design is faciltated with inspirational art on trading cards.

I collect various other fantasy art cards in addition to the EverwayTM cards. If you are interested in art card trading, drop me a line for my current interests.

EverwayTM has been sold!

EverwayTM was originally published by Wizards of the Coast, but with the discontinuation of all WOTC RPGs EverwayTM has been sold to Rubicon® Games (announcement from WOTC and Rubicon® about the sale of EverwayTM). It is still available in many stores, often discounted (as low as $10). There is one set of expansion collectible art cards put out by FPG. There was also a 1996 calendar published by WOTC.

EverwayTM Items of Interest Hosted Here

Other EverwayTM Links

Please e-mail me if you have any others...

EverwayTM Mailing List (EVERWAY-L)

Those interested in subscribing should send a message to:
with no subject header and the message: "suscribe everway-l *your name*".

EverwayTM is © 1996-1999 by Rubicon® Games. EverwayTM and SpherewalkerTM are trademarks of Rubicon® Games. None of the materials found herein are intended as challenges to the trademarks and/or copyrights of Rubicon® Games.

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© Copyright 1995, 1999 Frank Filz. All Rights Reserved.

Page last updated November 2, 1999

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