Currently, I am trying out EverwayTM (if you're in the RTP NC area, and are interested, drop me a line). EverwayTM is a new "rules lite" fantasy system, designed by Jonathan Tweet. Character design is faciltated with inspirational art on trading cards.
I collect various other fantasy art cards in addition to the EverwayTM cards. If you are interested in art card trading, drop me a line for my current interests.
EverwayTM was originally published by Wizards of the Coast, but with the discontinuation of all WOTC RPGs EverwayTM has been sold to Rubicon® Games (announcement from WOTC and Rubicon® about the sale of EverwayTM). It is still available in many stores, often discounted (as low as $10). There is one set of expansion collectible art cards put out by FPG. There was also a 1996 calendar published by WOTC.
Those interested in subscribing should send a message to:
with no subject header and the message:
"suscribe everway-l *your name*".
EverwayTM is © 1996-1999 by Rubicon® Games. EverwayTM and SpherewalkerTM are trademarks of Rubicon® Games. None of the materials found herein are intended as challenges to the trademarks and/or copyrights of Rubicon® Games.
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© Copyright 1995, 1999 Frank Filz. All Rights Reserved.
Page last updated November 2, 1999