Frank Filz's Gaming Briefcase Challenge

I've talked before about what print RPG materials I would keep if I had to downsize. I mentioned recently that I could even manage to fit a collection into a briefcase, so I actually tried to do that and this is the result.

A while ago, I did an exercise where I decided to see what I could fit into a briefcase (actually a laptop bag - the briefcase I used to use for gaming would have held more):

I spent about 15 minutes collecting this together, with more time, I would refine it. I really would like a bit more RQ material, and I really should have some graph paper, lined paper, and blank paper in there. There are also some bits I would print off from my computer, and maybe a few other campaign bits I would try to squeeze in. I'd alsqo squeeze in a bit more Traveller stuff.

Now if I just had to fit this into my backpack instead, all of that would be easy since I would be able to fit about twice as much stuff.

So what is here:

The picture of the briefcase (actually a laptop case) includes a Traveler DVD case for size comparison, that CD ROM is not actually in the contents.

Now why does all of this matter when I have almost everything in digital form? In one sense the print stuff doesn't matter, but I'm a tactile person, plus I think the stuff one displays on one's shelf helps others understand you. So if I had this stuff tucked into my cubby in some hypothetical tiny living situation (maybe a shared 4 dTon Traveller stateroom), someone would get an instant idea of what I would plan on doing with my time.

Now the meaningfulness of this exercise changes somewhat if a laptop is included and we get to have all the PDFs we want. In that case, of course, PDFs or scans of everything!

Still, to me what is interesting about this exercise is contemplating what I REALLY care about for gaming material. Sure, there's loads of gaming stuff I "might" use someday... I think my thinking about this exercise even before I actually did it really helped me focus my gaming. I'm paying attention to the games I really want to play, and purchasing stuff (mostly PDFs these days) that really support that rather than just buying the latest fancy thing.

Really this exercise was an offshoot of having to downsize my collection after getting engaged. I ruthlessly downsized then (I do regret some stuff I got rid of, but not much) and am still working on downsizing some of the stuff (still have like 6 milk crates of stuff I'm trying to sell).

In the meantime, an incomplete list of physical stuff I've purchased since getting engaged:

I think there's really just a few other items beyond the above list.

A thread on RPGNet where I discussed this challenge.

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Page last updated February 24, 2003

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