Pirate Gaming at GenCon 2003
See my LEGO® Pirate Links page for general pirate links.
See my LEGO® Pirate Ships page for information on pirate ships.
See my LEGO® Pirate Gaming page for gaming links and discussion.
See my LEGO® Pirate Creations page for my own creations.
During GenCon 2003 (July 24-27), I ran several games of Evil Stevie's Pirate Game. This page is a writeup of some of the games.
In the following pictures, the smaller pictures are thumbnails of larger pictures, click on the small picture to see the larger picture.
A lovely pirate gal at the Reaper booth in the dealer's room.
Larry Pieniazek looks over as people start to make their first move in a battle game.
Players moving their ships during a battle game.
Resolving combat. Notice the bodies floating in the ocean, the sharks will be out soon!
Pulling bodies off a ship after a round of carnage.
A nice overview of the ocean. Sadly, it was a rather hard ocean. We prefer to play on carpeting - preferably blue!
Larry Pieniazek's mountain turned into an Imperial base.
Another view of the ocean. This is during the 2nd battle game.
The players at the end of the big campaign game. The gentleman with the big flag was the ringleader of the big coalition that defeated the islanders and captured a Class 3 Imperial ship. Glen of Red Shirt Games, with the smaller flag, took second place.
Another picture of the campaign game players.
All told, we ran two 4 hour battle games, an 8 hour campaign game, and a 4 hour campaign game. All events were well attended and people seemed to have a lot of fun. Several people managed to play in multiple games.
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Comments to ffilz@mindspring.com
© Copyright 2003 Frank Filz. All Rights Reserved.
Page last updated July 31, 2003